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"If you don't own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life"

 - Roger Caras

Mighty Mutts

Each year in March, we celebrate the lives of our furry companions and how much they mean to us. Starting in 2022, Mighty Mutts is an initiative of Fernvale Produce Mitre 10, with the proud sponsorship of Super Coat Dog Food and Doggy Delight Pet Food Rolls.

It aims to showcase the diversity, unique beauty and impact that dogs have on our lives. During the month, we encourage our customers to bring in their Mighty Mutts and have there photo taken instore for a chance to win a FREE BAG of Super Coat Dog Food or a FREE Doggy Delight Pet Food Roll.


The photos are then judged by the general public with a first and second prize winner being crowned each week of the month long campaign.

Mighty Mutt entries

weekly Voting closes sunday 12:00pm

winners announced the following week. 

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